EMOTIONS :- Sachin Rana's Photography Gallery
"In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality."-Alfred Stieglitz
Hello I am Sachin Rana a 17 years old teenager from Dehradun, India. Photography is my Hobby and here are some Picture that I've clicked using my phone.
"Inception" By Sachin Rana
“The best images are the ones that retain their strength and impact over the years, regardless of the number of times they are viewed.”-Anne Geddes
"Laugh It Out" By Sachin Rana
“The camera makes you forget you’re there. It’s not like you are hiding but you forget, you are just looking so much.”-Annie Leibovitz
"Bun Of A Boy" By Sachin Rana
“You don’t take a photograph, you make it.” -Ansel Adams
"Where Clouds Kiss The Mountains" By Sachin Rana
“In photography there are no shadows that cannot be illuminated.”-August Sander
"Dance Of Pandavaas" By Sachin Rana
“Photography can only represent the present. Once photographed, the subject becomes part of the past.”Berenice Abbott
"Life of a Saint" By Sachin Rana
“Photography is a love affair with life.”-Burk Uzzle
"Backflip In Bugyal" By Sachin Rana
“A landscape image cuts across all political and national boundaries, it transcends the constraints of language and culture.”-Charlie Waite
"Curious COW" By Sachin Rana
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you the less you know.”- Diane Arbus
"Stairways To Heaven" By Sachin Rana
“A camera is a tool for learning how to see without a camera.”-Dorothea Lange
"SUPPA" By Sachin Rana
“The whole point of taking pictures is so that you don’t have to explain things with words.”-Elliott Erwitt
"When The Sun Shines" By Sachin Rana
“There is only you and your camera. The limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are.”-Ernst Haas
"Following the Sunshine" By Sachin Rana
“Don’t pack up your camera until you’ve left the location.”-Joe McNallySachin Rana

Facebook:- facebook.com/sachin.rana.790 or click here
Instagram:- instagram/photography_and_sachin or click here
**Copyrights of all the pictures belong to Sachin Rana. Use of these pictures without the permission of the author is ILLEGAL**
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